The library contains a large number of foreign language reference books. 图书馆有大量的外文参考书。
While we, as foreigners can not be as English as mother tongue so easily, but this is not the existence of the death of a large number of language translation of the reasons for chaos. 固然我们作为外国人不可能做到像英语作为母语的人那么自如,但这不是大量存在的死译乱译的理由。
Number and language: how are they related? 数字和语言:他们有着怎么样的联系?
"Television is not only a poor caregiver substitute, but it actually reduces the number of language sounds and words babies hear, vocalize and therefore learn," he said. “电视不仅是一个蹩脚的看护人,而且实际上还降低了宝宝听到、发出进而学习语音和词语的数量。”他说。
Inspired by this tendency, a large number of foreign language training institutions arise, the market competition is becoming intense day by day. 为满足学习者和社会发展的需要,大量外语培训机构应运而生,市场竞争日趋激烈。
Dear, when I have time for cynicism, which is the number of childish language, than I am proud of it. 亲爱的,以前当我还玩世不恭的时候,这是多少幼稚的语言,比不上我的骄傲。
Don't forget, your friend Professor A has written that the current policy is to make English the "number one foreign language" in China, if not a second language. 别忘了,你的朋友A教授曾著文写道,当前的政策,是要把英文变成中国的“第一外语”,如果不是第二语言的话。
With the surging demand for foreign language skills, the number of foreign language universities is increasing rapidly in China. 随着对外语人才的需求上升,中国外语大学的数量迅猛增加。
English, as the most "international" language of the world, has the largest number of foreign language ( FL) and second language ( SL) learners. 英语作为世界上最国际化的语言,拥有数量最多的外语和第二语言学习者。
"Notes and Comments on Ci Poetry-The Golden Lotus" was written in large number of poetry language, of which some origin could be traced. 《金瓶梅词话》使用了大量诗词,其中有一些来源可考。
The confirmation of overflow about the sign number in assembler language 汇编语言中有符号数溢出的证明
Range of Decimal Number in BASIC Language of DJS-130 Computer DJS&130机BASIC语言中数的表示范围
Using the biblio-metrological method, this paper makes statistical and comprehensive analysis on the published paper number, quotation number, quotation language distribution and quotation types of 《 Journal of Guizhou University ( Social Science Edition)》 in period of 1999~ 2002. 运用文献计量学的研究方法,对1999~2002年《贵州大学学报(社会科学版)》所载论文的载文量、引文量、引文语种分布和引文类型等进行了综合统计分析。
21st Century requires a large number of foreign language talents. 21世纪需要一批创新型外语人才。
By enumerating a large number of language examples in her works, this essay aims to analyse the characteristics of words-selecting in Chi li's works. 通过对池莉作品中大量的语言例子分析,可以看出池莉作品在词语的选择上的“汉味”显著特点。
It takes a large number of advertising language as the basis and is guided by the theory of generalized rhetoric. This topic combines with psychology, linguistics, sociology and communication studies and some other knowledge. 并以大量的广告语言为基础,以广义修辞学为理论指导,结合心理学、语言学、社会学和传播学等多个学科的知识阐述。
With the reformation of political and economic system in our country and especially the acceleration of opening up, a large number of foreign language talents, especially qualified English teachers have been in great demand in society. 伴随着我国政治、经济体制的改革,尤其是对外开放的加速,社会需要大量的外语人才,特别是合格的英语教师。
However, both have a number of language teachers should not accept new ideas, new concepts, really put the theory into practice, but also from the machinery, should not impart knowledge of teaching methods, while neglecting the inner educated feel and integrity of construction. 但是,还有一些语文教师既不能接受新理念、新观念、把理论真正应用于实践,也不能摆脱机械灌输的知识传授教学方式,忽视了受教育者的内心感受和完整性建构。
On interest teaching method research has been a vast number of foreign language teachers in the joint efforts of direction, let class lively and interesting is our common goal. 对趣味教学法的研究一直是广大对外汉语教师共同努力的方向,让课堂生动有趣也是大家共同的目标。
Document analysis method used to collect and analyze a large number of Mongolian language publishing history, explained the concept. 用文献学分析法,搜集和分析了大量有关蒙古文古籍出版技术的史料,解释了出版技术的有关概念。
The results show that students 'writing score in experimental group raised and the number of prefabricated language chunks in their composition have dramatically increased after using prefabricated chunks teaching method. 分析结果显示采用预制语块教学法后,学生作文中预制语块的数量有了显著的增加,作文得分有显著提高,预制语块教学法能显著提高学生英语写作能力。
In narrative language, the use of a large number of abstract language, throughout the narrative language," tedious and complicated "explanation of language as" everlasting "highly distinctive language art form. 在叙事语言方面,大量运用的抽象化语言、贯穿全篇的叙述性语言、啰嗦繁复的解说性语言成为《长恨歌》极富特色的语言艺术形式。
Using qualitative analysis supplemented by quantitative analysis so as to probe into the complex semantic structure of through on the basis of a large number of natural language data. 以定性分析为主、定量分析为辅,在大量真实的自然语料基础上考察through包含的复杂语义结构。
Regarding the quantitative analysis, this paper counts the number of vague language in three different types of English business correspondences and calculates the frequency of their occurrence in each type of correspondence. 也就是每一类型的信函各有三十三封信函。通过定量研究,我们将计算出三种不同类的信函中模糊语的数量和所占百分比。
The emergence of a large number of Chinese language written Fictions In Korean Yi Dynasty Under the influence both of Korean and China traditional culture and literary traditions can be regarded as the crystallization of the cultural exchange. 在中韩两国的文化传统和文学传统影响下,朝鲜李朝时期涌现了一大批汉文小说作品,可视为中韩文化交流之结晶。
Chinese reading contents is an issue which vast number of teaching language teachers must face now. 语文阅读教学内容是广大语文教师目前面对的现实问题。
The application of multimedia overcomes the weakness of traditional listening teaching and has a positive influence on English listening teaching by providing a large number of colorful language materials and real language situations in a limited period. 多媒体的使用打破了传统听力教学的束缚,在有限的时间内为听力教学提供了大量真实的语言材料,对于英语听力教学有着很积极的影响。
However, most of the resources development and utilization of teaching materials are mainly based on the dominant language curriculum resources, and resources of a large number of language courses language courses exist in the hidden resources in the. 但是,开发和利用的大多数资源是以教材为主的显性语文课程资源,而语文课程资源是大量存在在隐性语文课程资源中的。
I went to the countries and regions engaged in teaching and research found that around the world prepared by the large number of foreign language teaching, for teaching book, play a great role. 我到有关国家和地区从事教学和调查研究后发现,世界各地编写的对外汉语教材数量众多,为教学提供用书,作用很大。